Akaiya Academia
Welcome to Akaiya Academia.
We help businesses and individuals grow. In business. In teams. And in personal development.
Our vision is for all people to live a good, conscious life.
Our mission is to help 1 billion people achieve this through our work.
We succeed with this goal through The Ripple Effect. Just like ripples in the water when you throw a stone, our work spreads to and through the people we help and work with.
We do this through our courses, lectures, training programs, and organizational development in businesses. We do it through our books, conversations, events, and workshops.
We arrange events and give letures on topics that are our own expertise areas: developing individuals, teams, groups and businesses.
We arrange workshops and give courses on various subjects.
Common to all of them is the keyword: development of individuals, teams, groups and businesses.
We publish our own books and the books of our affiliated partners.
Books on topics associated with our vision and mission.
+45 20 72 86 14